Sea and river landscapes. Chosen works

“A river”
Oil on wooden board 
30×45,5 cm. 2017

“The sea”
Acrylic on wood. 30×60 cm circa. 2005. Dnipro´s Museum of the Contemporary Art, Ukraine

“Roofs” Liguria series
Oil on wooden board. 55х50cm. 2015

“A rock” Liguria series
Oil on wooden board. 50х50cm. 2015

“Row of trees”
Oil on wooden board. 40×60 cm. 2016

“Reflexes on water”
Oil on wood. 30×40 cm. 2020

“The sea” Liguria series
Oil on wooden board. 55х50cm. 2015
Private collection

“Reflexes on water”
Oil on wood. 30×40 cm. 2020

Polyptych, 50×150 cm circa. Oil on wood. 2014
Private collection, Italy

“Golden evening”
Oil on wooden board.
42,5×60 cm. 2016

“Danube. Evening”
Oil on wooden board. 55×64,5 cm. 2017